Are you in search of buying original products to gift your loved ones? Sogha Qatar delivers original brand products to customers who order online through web and mobile app platform, in Qatar. You can send perfect gifts for any occasion like birthday, wedding, anniversary or any happy event in Doha by ordering it online and Sogha team will make sure that it is delivered at the specified date and time.

Now, how to distinguish an original product from a duplicate one or counterfeit? Here, we give some tips to identify the original products available online.

  • Unreal Discounts

Do you see any unreal discounts especially online? Kindly check that how much discount a brand or luxury item would give and if the offer is not realistic, say 70%-80% of the retail price, then it’s most likely to be a fake product. 

  • Grammatical & Spelling Mistakes

An extra letter or spelling mistake with grammatical errors is a prominent sign normally seen in the market when counterfeit products are launched. While these small mistakes in the names don’t get recognized easily by the regular customers and get cheated by fraudsters due to lack of proper knowledge of the product information.

Much like spellings, fraudsters also play around with logos, a smallest change made by them to keep it similar to the original product. The easiest way to counter the purchase of fake items is to check the authenticity of websites.

If the site is fake, then the products are also fake. Confirm the URL by checking the ‘https’ and lock sign. Sogha Qatar is a reliable online gift store which offers original products and shopping experience in Qatar.

  • Flimsy Packaging

It’s a known fact that good brands or businesses take a lot of care and invest good effort in terms of money when comes to packaging and delivery of the orders. Some major companies like Sogha Qatar, have dedicated team and that too have automation setups implemented for efficient way of delivery of products in each country.

If the item is not properly packed, doesn’t fit in the package box, use cheap materials like low cost cardboard or plastic, take it as a sign of garbage product.

  • Poor Quality of Products

 Go through these telltale signs that can help you identify an original from a counterfeit, and make sure you are not taken for a ride.

As we know, the quality of the counterfeit products is expected to short-life, with cheap alternatives assembled with same look of original products. Mostly this happens in the electronic items, clothing, cosmetics and gadgets.

  • Mismatch of Codes

The counterfeit products are normally without the original codes, serial numbers, trademark or patent information provided within the case. An intelligent customer can check the authenticity of the products by checking the serial numbers online from the brand websites of required validation process.

  • No Contact Details

If the seller didn’t mention the address, email or contact number of where it was manufactured and shipped, it should be a cause of concern. This means that you have no point of contact for grievance redressal. It is best to avoid such products. 

  • Un-Authorised Centres

It is advised to buy any electronic items, appliances, branded ware or gadgets from the authorised dealers, licensed sellers within the region. From Sogha Qatar, you can get the original products at the best price.

If you get serious discount from elsewhere, make sure that you have a grip of the product description and get the best product for the money you spent.